The Kid’s Happiness Pyramid (coming soon)
Section 1- The Foundation
- Friendships
- Balance
- Healthy Habits
- Respect
- Acceptance
Section 2 -Loving Yourself
- Fun
- Reach for your Dreams (Don’t give up)
- Relaxation
- Try your best and Accept Help
- Be Thankful
Section 3- Positive Energy
- Kindness and Helping Others
- Communication
- Energy
- Perspective
- Controlling Emotions
Section 4-Forgiveness
- All my Parts
- Forgiveness and Repair
Section 5- Self Expression
- Originality
- Creativity
- Self compassion
- Accept Challenges as Learning Opportunities
Section 6- Mindfulness
- Mindfulness and Meditation
Section 7- The Universe
Section 8- The Happiness Pyramid