From Our Higher Purpose

Recover and Restore with:

The Happiness Pyramid Steps

Where the World’s Oldest Healing Traditions Integrate with Progressive Psychotherapy Techniques using Energy and Vibrations for True Health and Wellness! The Foundation will reset your nervous system to be able to begin the healing process. Then you will learn to change the identity you hold of yourself to be able to manifest the life you want.

The Whole-Health Approach is the Foundational Step.

Step 1- The Foundation

Step 2- Finding yourself

Step 3 -Rewire your brain to change your mindset

Step 4- Clearance and Forgiveness

Step 5- Self Actualization

Step 6- Connect to hire power

Step 7- Enlightenment

Table of Contents

The 7 Step Pyramid has 44 Chapters, Below are the Chapters to the Foundation (Step 1)


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for creating wellness

All information to the Happiness Pyramid is Free.

Unique features


The Foundational Step

396 hz -The Foundation (Belonging, Community, Sleep, Eat, Exercise, and Sunlight) to get grounded back to Nature- remove trauma, fear, and guilt


Finding Your Self

417 hz -Finding Yourself: For Purpure, Pleasure, Achievement to let go, be passionate, and connect with your emotions – To reduce Stress


Rewire your Brain

528hz -Rewiring Your Brain: Healing through cognitive restructuring to make conscious choices and take responsibility -Dramatic Changes, Relief of Pain and Anxiety


Clearance and Forgiveness


Self Actualization


Connection to Higher Power

Extremely Fast

You will begin to see results from the Foundation within a few weeks. However, long term results will take time and working with the steps. Focus on the Foundation and do not rush the other steps.


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