Step 1– The Foundation to get grounded (Result: Who I choose to be)

  1. Belonging/Community
  2. The Misery Trap
  3. The Harmony of Nature Vs.The Modern Man-Made World and Mindfulness
  4. Energy is everything – Get into the Wisdom Mindset
  5. Vibrations and Frequencies
  6. You are What you Eat
  7. Helping your Body
  8. Love Thy Neighbor (Equity and Inclusion of All)

Step 2 -Find Your Self: Finding Yourself to let go, be passionate, and connect with your emotions (Result: How I choose to Feel)

  1. Values Identification
  2. Purpose, pleasure, and achievement
  3. Self- Identification
  4. Changing Expectations
  5. Understanding My Stress Reactions
  6. Hate and Anger
  7. Greed
  8. Creating New Healthy Habits

Step 3– Rewiring Your Brain Healing cognitive restructuring to make consciousness choices and take responsibility (Result: What I do)

  1. Thoughts and Brain Waves (Gain the Courage to Look at yourself- so that you can change yourself)
  2. Stoic Philosophy of the Law of Attraction- What do George Washington, Beethoven, Steve Harvey, Pharrell Williams, Oprah, Lady Gaga, and Tony Robins have in common? The Secret and they knew how to use it!
  3. Service to Others/Fight for Social Justice for ALL/Do Good (The Secret is putting out good karma and positive energy all the time.)
  4. Learning to love the gray area
  5. Relaxation Exercises and Tapping (emotional self healing principals from acupressure)
  6. Cognitive Restructuring
  7. Irrational Thoughts
  8. Perspective Taking
  9. Distress Tolerance and Emotional Regulation
  10. Depression and Anxiety
  11. Suicidality and Self Harm
  12. Trauma- Part A: Everyone Has Trauma    Part B: Trauma Recovery (This section can be skipped, but must complete before beginning Step 6)
  13. Why we want to get High and How to Use Meditation to Get High (This is not an alternative to Addiction Treatment)

Step 4-Clearance for Self Love: Show Love to yourself and others (Result: I love)

  1. Your Strengths Inventory
  2. Parts Pie
  3. Detox your life
  4. Face Your Fears/Forgiveness
  5. Make Amends

Step 5– Self Acceptance to accept originality, express authentic voice, become inspired, creative, and (Result: I speak my truth)

  1. Self compassion
  2. Accept Challenges as Learning Opportunities
  3. Relationship Skills

Step 6– Connection to Higher Power  to understand your inner truth, expand intuition, and open the mind (Result: I see)

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation to Get High
  2. 7 Hermetic Principals of the Kybalion
  3. Oneness with the Universe
  4. Balance Chakras
  5. Ancient Wisdom of Cosmic Cultures and Intensions for the Healing Journey

Step 7– Enlightenment – (Result: I understand)

  1. Suggestions about Awakening and Opening Up to the Wisdom that your soul already knows for self healing and universal healing
  2. Why does the pyramid have no top?
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