Step 1– The Foundation to get grounded (Result: Who I choose to be)
- Belonging/Community
- The Misery Trap
- The Harmony of Nature Vs.The Modern Man-Made World and Mindfulness
- Energy is everything – Get into the Wisdom Mindset
- Vibrations and Frequencies
- You are What you Eat
- Helping your Body
- Love Thy Neighbor (Equity and Inclusion of All)
Step 2 -Find Your Self: Finding Yourself to let go, be passionate, and connect with your emotions (Result: How I choose to Feel)
- Values Identification
- Purpose, pleasure, and achievement
- Self- Identification
- Changing Expectations
- Understanding My Stress Reactions
- Hate and Anger
- Greed
- Creating New Healthy Habits
Step 3– Rewiring Your Brain Healing cognitive restructuring to make consciousness choices and take responsibility (Result: What I do)
- Thoughts and Brain Waves (Gain the Courage to Look at yourself- so that you can change yourself)
- Stoic Philosophy of the Law of Attraction- What do George Washington, Beethoven, Steve Harvey, Pharrell Williams, Oprah, Lady Gaga, and Tony Robins have in common? The Secret and they knew how to use it!
- Service to Others/Fight for Social Justice for ALL/Do Good (The Secret is putting out good karma and positive energy all the time.)
- Learning to love the gray area
- Relaxation Exercises and Tapping (emotional self healing principals from acupressure)
- Cognitive Restructuring
- Irrational Thoughts
- Perspective Taking
- Distress Tolerance and Emotional Regulation
- Depression and Anxiety
- Suicidality and Self Harm
- Trauma- Part A: Everyone Has Trauma Part B: Trauma Recovery (This section can be skipped, but must complete before beginning Step 6)
- Why we want to get High and How to Use Meditation to Get High (This is not an alternative to Addiction Treatment)
Step 4-Clearance for Self Love: Show Love to yourself and others (Result: I love)
- Your Strengths Inventory
- Parts Pie
- Detox your life
- Face Your Fears/Forgiveness
- Make Amends
Step 5– Self Acceptance to accept originality, express authentic voice, become inspired, creative, and (Result: I speak my truth)
- Self compassion
- Accept Challenges as Learning Opportunities
- Relationship Skills
Step 6– Connection to Higher Power to understand your inner truth, expand intuition, and open the mind (Result: I see)
- Mindfulness and Meditation to Get High
- 7 Hermetic Principals of the Kybalion
- Oneness with the Universe
- Balance Chakras
- Ancient Wisdom of Cosmic Cultures and Intensions for the Healing Journey
Step 7– Enlightenment – (Result: I understand)
- Suggestions about Awakening and Opening Up to the Wisdom that your soul already knows for self healing and universal healing
- Why does the pyramid have no top?