The Foundation will help to reset your nervous system so that your body and brain are able to do the healing work of the other steps.The Foundation or Who I Choose to Be:
Belonging, Quality Sleep, Nutritious Food with good energy, Movement and Sunlight to get grounded to your Root- This helps remove trauma, fear, and guilt for Right Speech and corresponds to The Law of Pure Potentiality – for deeper Intimacy
Vibrational Frequency 396 Hz for Step 1: Make the choose who you want to be and listen to music set to 396 hz to help harmonize your body, mind, and soul.
Helping your Body- Sleep, Movement, Sunlight, and Creating Happy chemicals in your brain
- Sleep
- Exercise
- Outdoors- fresh air, Sunlight, and nature
- Endorphins (Pain killer through exercise and laughter)
Runners High from push past their limits to the point of distress. Endorphin causes a brief euphoria that masks pain. In the state of nature, it helps an injured animal escape from a predator. It helped our ancestors run for help when injured. Endorphin evolved for survival.
- Exercise or stretching
- dance
- Belly breathing
- Laughter- watch something funny
- crying
- creating music or art
- eating dark chocolate and spicy foods
- exercise or stretching
- high-intensity interval training
- getting a massage
- Meditate
- Smell vanilla, lavender essential oils
- Dopamine Motivation and Rewards for Achieving a goal. In evolution humans release dopamine when they caught an animal or found water. The expectation of a reward releases happy chemicals as a reward. Dopamine motivates you to achieve your goals and dreams. Enables motivation, concentration, learning, and pleasure. Promotes determination to accomplish goals, desires, and needs.
- Try something new
- meditate regularly (increases dopamine by 65%)
- make a daily to-do list & long term goals (each time you tick off a task or goal you increase dopamine levels)
- Break down goals to small tasks
- eat foods that are rich in L-Tyrosine (avocados, fish, eggs, cheese, banana, and pumpkin seeds)
- exercise regularly (whichever form of exercise you enjoy the most will give you the most increase in dopamine levels)
- create something such as writing, music, art & crafts (“if I create something, I am also creating dopamine”
- Small daily tasks
- Listening to calming music
- Visualize yourself achieving
- Moving your body
- Enough sleep
- Calming music
- Doing selfcare
- Serotonin regulates mood so believe in yourself Improves general well-being and happiness. Can create positive emotions, and plays a role in our social dynamics.
- exercise (increases serotonin and dopamine, but also helps balance them)
- Healthy diet
- Practice gratitude
- walk in nature
- Positive mindset
- cold showers (2-3 mins of cold showers can be unpleasant but offers great benefits that have longer-lasting effects than compared to caffeine)
- sunshine (10-15 minutes of sunlight a day can increase serotonin and vitamin D)
- eating foods such as banana, eggs, omega-3 fish, nuts and seeds, leafy greens, and probiotics
- getting a massage (increases serotonin and decreases cortisol)
- Oxytocin Known as the’ love’ or ‘cuddle’ hormone love build trust and bonding and relationships Increases trust and motivation to build and maintain relationships.
- Playing with pets
- physical touch, cuddling, hugging, making eye contact, and even shaking hands
- socializing (connecting or talking with friends and family reduces cortisol and stimulates your vagus nerve)
- touching your pet (research shows it lowers blood pressure)
- getting a massage (reduces stress hormones)
- acupuncture (elevates oxytocin concentrations)
- listening to music (has a calming effect on the brain, slow-tempo music has also been shown to increase oxytocin)
- exercise (stimulates the vagus nerve)
- cold showers (stimulates the vagus nerve)
- Meditate or yoga
- Sing or listen to feel good music
- Giving and Receiving compliments
- Loving kindness meditation
- Share a meal with someone