The Universe is a Mirror- You will reflect whatever you put out!

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”– Albert Einstein German-born theoretical physicist

You are energy. Have you ever felt static electricity?  That is because the energy that flows through you connected with other energy and your hair stood up or you got a shock.  Everything and everyone in the universe is made of vibrating energy.  Your electronic device shows a picture of something that occured in the past, but you can see and hear it because electric energy allows things to happen that would seem like a miracle or looking into a crystal ball 200 years ago.  Could you imagine your great grandparents if they saw what you could do on your cell phone?

When some people get mad, they have the desire to yell, this is their body’s method of eliminating negative energy quickly, while other people are able to take some deep breaths that both eliminate the negative energy, but also if they can breath into their belly, they are breathing in more love and light to help them stabilize and remain calm. Deep Breathing (or diaphragmatic breathing) is the easiest and quickest method for people to connect to their inner calm. We are all surrounded by a subtle field of energy called an aura, shield, magen, sheath, or astral body which provides information for our higher consciousness or inner divine self, similar to our physical body providing feedback from physical stimuli.

Everything in the universe is made up of energy, which vibrates at different frequencies. The energy that we emit also vibrates at a certain frequency. One common example is a happy cat purring, also known as being at a high vibration. Humans are no different, except we might hum or smile when our vibration goes up. Many people use massage or other vibrating tools at the physical therapist office to help the body heal. The quickest form of healing for humans is to raise your vibration, such as singing, listening to healing music, humming, dancing, expressing love, and being grateful, or listening to a sound bath online and letting the sounds soak in.

According to Nikola Tesla, your thoughts and feelings are energy and they vibrate at a different frequencies. When you focus your thoughts on something, you emit a signal with a specific frequency. This signal is then broadcast into the universe, and it begins to attract energy that vibrates at the same frequency. * This is why your pet may comfort you when you are sad, they can sense the energy of your emotion, because you are emitting this vibration into the world. This is also known at the Law of Attraction or The Secret. Do you know anyone that seems to always be lucky or others who always have bad luck? That is simply the Law of Attraction in action.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla Serbian born physicist and pioneering electrical engineer

Everything is vibrating energy- including Humans.

The concept that ‘Energy flows through everything in the universe’ has been believed by many ancient traditions, great philosophers, religions, and scientists. This energy or life force is known as spirit, soul, qi, vitality, divine, light ether, eternal now, prana, chi, Qanima, Ki, ruh, inner wind, pneuma, among other names. Some people call it prayer, faith, manifesting, spells, placebo effect, but we all know there is phenomenon that cannot be explained yet by traditional knowledge, although quantum physics has been able to explain some of it.

Energy will Flow Wherever Your Thoughts Go

To heal, negative energy or toxins need to escape from your body. When you sneeze, sweat, pass gas, cry, or have an itch- these are all forms of energy coming out of your body. When you are sick or have allergies, your body releases toxins through mucous, coughing, or eye discharge. When you do not let yourself release these toxins, you might have bad dreams and sweat and the body expresses a more condensed discharge from the eyes. This is why physical healing from illness or addiction is referred to as detoxing. When you are sick, people tell you to get rest and drink fluids. Sleeping allows the brain and body to heal and fluids help to flush out the toxins. Many cultures use Sweat Lodges, Fasts, or even steam baths to help cleanse the body of toxins for purification and healing. Emotional healing also requires a release of toxins, which can occur from following the steps of The Happiness Pyramid.

Harvard University HEALTH & MEDICINE
How our bodies harness energy:

Words Can hurt because they carry energy with them- Use the power of your word in the direction of love.

How do you use the Right Words when you are Angry?

Before you speak, ask what is the intention of my words? Sometimes you need to silence yourself and all the distractions around you to hear the answer. Remember, humans make mistakes, but we can always repair. Although the path to Heaven is paved by good intentions, how we are perceived is even more important during life on earth. If you are angry, it is not the right time to try to give others feedback. Imagine a stop sign, take a deep breath, and allow your self to walk away to think or write before communicating with someone.

Wisdom comes from the Voice in Between.  Wisdom is in the Balance of Harmony. To get into a wisdom mindset, you must first balance all the opposing forces. Part of you is visible and part of you is not visible to yourself, known as our Shadow Self.   Other people can often see traits that we are not able or willing to acknowledge that are in our shadows. To get in tune with the universe you must let go of your ego to get out of a Denial Mindset. There are Zen Masters who have studied and taught Energy Healing Principles for over 50 years that never get intune with the Universe because of their strong ego. There are other people, who never study it for a day, but when they become pure of heart – the wisdom just flows to them! Everyone has flaws, humans are imperfect. Once you get past the denial, you can become more self aware, and then you are able to make the changes for personal improvement to be who you want to be. Anyone can do this if they focus on unconditional love towards themselves and others and thank their negative thoughts for teaching them a lesson, but not dwelling on the negative.

The Wisdom Mindset

The silver and gold rings represent Gratitude and Love

  1. Balance the Past (Clinging) and the Future to be in the Present Moment
  2. Balance the Strength of Receiving and the Gentleness of Giving (aka Service to Others Vs. Self Care)
  3. Balance the Conscious Mind and the Unconscious Mind for Deep Awareness
  4. Balance Emotional Thought and Logical Thought for Rational Thought

The Wisdom Mindset is simply channeling your own energy in the direction that you want as long as your overall focus is gratitude and love. If you can manage the opposing forces of all 4 forms of energy, you can become more intune, known as the Wisdom Mindset. With meditation and patience, you will be able Flow with the universe or get into the Zone when you need to be competitive.  

You probably understand why being in an emotional mindset does not help you think clearly. But why would a totally logical mindset not be ideal? Because Logic is based on Provable Theories. If you have ever had any type of faith, you know that it is hard to prove, but you feel something. Just like the internet, you might not know how it works, but it gets you to the resources that you need. It was once logical to believe that the Earth was flat and we were the center of the universe; but science has proven that the earth is round and there are other planets, because we have expanded the realm of possibilities to things we could not even have imaged before according to the science of the time.

Energy Healing- is it just a scam?

You may have heard of people using crystals for “good energy” but not thought much about how a rock can have “energy,” let alone power. If you have ever seen a non digital watch, you have probably seen a quartz crystal’s energy in action. 

Scientists, Electricians, and the government use Piezoelectricity in microphones, speakers, and lazers, which is the process of using crystals to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy such as an AC (Alternating Current) voltage.  Crystals are used  in common day machines to balance electric currents and prevent  hospital equipment from exploding.  This was discovered and is used by physicists, not just the premise of acupuncture, reflexology, reiki and other forms of energy healing. Since humans are made of energy and crystals are minerals that hold energy, humans can exchange this energy with crystals.  The resonant frequency of a crystal depends on size, shape, elasticity, and the speed of sound.  Many ancient cultures, such as China, Egypt, and Greece  used the energy from crystals for healing purposes before we had machines that could detect or measure frequencies. World-wide people believe in the healing properties of these crystals to remove negative energy and promote the positive flow of energy.  These minerals took thousands of years to develop and there are some that date back billions of years ago; the oldest being Zircon from 4.4 Billion years ago.

In this video, The United States Air Force (in 1964) analyzes how crystals are used to prevent the signal of radio stations from interfering with other radio stations operating on a nearby frequency. More recently, in 2020 physicists at the University of Warwick demonstrated that noble metals, such as gold, can change the structure of other crystals in a display of modern-day alchemy.

To start gaining the benefits from crystals in your everyday life: Gently hold a crystal or piece of crystal with your eyes closed and set your intensions, keep your intention in your awareness, and trust that your crystal is absorbing your intention.

Free Guided Mindfulness Exercise to Clear Negative Energy

If you would like to start with a Guided Meditation, try this video:

* To find out more about Nikola Tesla’s discoveries around energy, frequencies, and vibrations, go to:,signal%20with%20a%20specific%20frequency.

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