The universe exists on energy and everything moves, changes, or stays stagnate because of energy, let’s look at how energy is measured.
The natural rhythm of earth impacts our seasons, weather, and the waves of the ocean. These rhythms all produce vibrations or frequencies that can be measured. These frequencies are much like that of musical instruments. You don’t need to remind your body to breath or your heart to beat, because it is on a natural rhythm that happens automatically. Everything is part of an interconnected web or electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. We are made up of vibrating atoms that emit energy on a microscopic level. Each atom has its own vibrational frequency that is impacted by our attitude, health, and mood. When we are not vibrating at our optimal frequency that atom is not in harmony, known as dis-ease or emotionally unbalanced. When many atoms are far off of their optimal vibrational frequency we feel unwell and can be sick.
When you are anxious your breathing speeds up because the vibrations speeds up, this causes you to release stress hormones and have anxious thinking. Once you slow down your breath/vibration, you can slow down you anxious thoughts and your body’s reactions.
A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a person, place, thought, or thing, often called “vibes”. Falling in love, a mother seeing her baby, or watching a kitten play can raise your vibration; when a cat is happy, it purrs or vibrates. Other forms of good vibrations can include sitting in a rocking chair, strumming a guitar, dancing, singing (vocal chord vibration), and even running. However, your can feel heavy and lower your vibration while being exposed to violence, listening to the news, or having a loss. Mechanical vibrations from heavy machinery, vehicles, and heave can create unnatural vibrations that are too strong and can have harmful effects on our tissues, organs, blood vessel at the cellular levels by causing problems to the nervous system for people who work with strong power tools everyday.
Our vibration is also our physical, mental, and emotional state of being. When people are “high,” from medication or substances they feel lighter, happier, and more at peace because of body’s molecules are vibrating at a higher wavelength or electromagnetic field.
Psychiatrist Dr David Hawkins calibrated the frequencies of different emotions, while doing `body-based research in the field of kinesiology,
Feelings with the highest vibration: Love, Gratitude, Forgiveness, & Joy or being “at peace”
Feeling with the lowest vibration: Greed, Anger, Despair, Fear, Grief, Guilt, and Jealousy
Violet light has the highest frequency and shortest wavelength of all visible light. Ultraviolet is even shorter and is at a higher frequency that we cannot see, however, it can both kill bacteria for health benefits, but it can also burn our skin. The higher the frequency, the lighter your physical, emotional, and mental body will feel.
How to raise your vibration (Self-Awareness and Intention):
- Gratitude (showing to others and make a Gratitude Journal)
- Mediation and Breathwork
- Listen to Healing Frequencies while you sleep, especially 396 hz and 528 hz (Search out long youtube videos for sleep-it does not have to be loud)
- Service to Others/ Being Generous
- Connect to Nature
- Listen to Music and create a higher-vibe environment, such as listening, reading, and watching high vibe music, movies, podcasts, and books
- Reduce toxins in your life, especially the food and drinks you put into your body (drink water and eat healthy)
- Cleanse your environment of Bad Energy and Toxic People, you can also use Burn Sage
- Be honest with yourself and also practice Intentional Self-Care
- Exercise
- Connect to a Higher Power
- Pause throughout the day to breath
- Say Daily Affirmations
- Think positive and be Kind